The biggest names in design leadership have long worked alongside innovative minds on the cutting edge to judge PRINT’s competitions. This year’s jury is no exception in being exceptional, and you’ll find a variety of voices from the U.S. and around the globe with deep subject matter expertise.


As they review entries, judges will use a points-based system to score entries based on:



Design that is unique; design that stands on its own and makes a statement.


Design that showcases a fresh way of achieving solutions; design that stirs new ideas and is likely to influence and inspire.



Design that is of its time—but likely to stand the test of time.


Projects that exhibit a high caliber of skill and a deft hand; that have been executed with intent to deliver results.


The results will determine the Best of Show and top winners in each category.

Advertising, Editorial & Photography


Branding - Brand Collaborations


Branding - Full Campaigns


Branding - identity systems


Books, Brochures, Editorial, & Annual Reports


Citizen Design


Concept Design


Design for Social Impact


Hand-lettering, Type Design, Illustration, Invitations




IX/UX, MOTion graphics & video, data visualization/interaction design






Posters, Self-Promotions, Environmental Design & Outdoor/Billboards